Saturday, February 21, 2009

"Blood tests are not the final say"

Celiac disease is also a genetic disorder, so it runs in families. About 1 in 133 Americans have the condition, but that number may rise to 1 in 22 for those who have an immediate family member with gluten intolerance. As you can see with my family these numbers are smaller I have THREE with diagnosed gluten issues.

Gluten Intolerance is currently 97% Undiagnosed, Imagine what these numbers would be if we had more awareness.

You can also be Gluten Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitive (NCGS) ~15% of all people or 1 in 7 are gluten sensitive. No one knows the numbers for sure, but a huge segment of the population is 'gluten sensitive' or 'intolerant' without having celiac disease. For me I personally believe Gluten is a much bigger issue on MANY levels then mainstream medicine believes.

Many people turn to blood tests as a first investigation. Because the most common test for Gluten intolerance is still the old-fashioned Celiac test (blood tests and intestinal biopsy), most Gluten intolerant people return a 'negative' or inconclusive test. Does this mean they don't have issues with Gluten? sure doesn't, you can be gluten sensitive on many level's not just celiac.

"food for thought"

We know that humans don't fully digest wheat. Animals with more than one stomach, like cows and sheep do. But we don't. That means undigested gluten gets into the stomach, where it can ferment, causing gas and boating.*

We also know that wheat, even in people without an intolerance, can cause 'leaky gut syndrome' by creating a more permeable intestinal lining. This extra permeability allows gluten, toxins, and other substances, to get into the bloodstream where they can initiate immune responses and produce otherwise unexplainable symptoms.* I'm pretty convinced "gluten" causes MANY more issues than "mainstream" medicine admits.

Great article, "Click on link to read"

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